hrp0094p2-29 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2021

Fludrocortisone is the salvage treatment in cases with calcineurin inhibitor related hyperkalemia

Unsal Yagmur , Baltu Demet , Gulhan Bora , Visal Okur Fatma , Duzova Ali , Ozon Alev , Topaloğlu Rezan , Gonc Nazlı ,

Calcineurin inhibitors (CNIs) are widely used in pediatric transplantation for prevention of graft rejection, prophylaxis and treatment of graft versus host disease. Though hyperkalemia is a common adverse effect (10-45%), alterations in renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in CNI-induced hyperkalemia are not well elucidated. Consequently, CNIs vital to transplantation are usually switched. Here, we describe two cases with CNI-induced hyperkalemia due to hyporeninemic hypoaldo...